Sunday, June 6, 2010

To start

People say that the United States has more obese/overweight people than skinny, healthy people, but as an 'obese' person, it sure doesn't look that way to me. Im not sure where they are coming up with these assumptions. Who knows though, maybe Im wrong, wouldn't be the first time, thats for sure! But hey, I've never once sat here saying that Im always right.

Ya know how stuff "comes in 3's"... well I dont necessarily agree with that. I would just generalize that to say that stuff comes in bunches. Its always more than just one thing. Like being fat, ya can't just be fat, but have amazing skin, good complexion, amazing friends, sexy boyfriend, perfect job, great income, yadda yadda yadda. Oh No...... its your cursed with being fat, and not only that, but *even though your big to begin with* when you have kids, your skin stretches and the stretch marks are hideous, acne has decided to curse you in your mid-20's, friendships die off faster now then in junior high, boyfriend... whats that? and the job... well lets just say thats a joke, and the income doesn't cover all the bills, let alone the gas and food for 1 week. Oh, and did I mention that is a 2 week paycheck??

Come on world, give a fat girl a break